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Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

End to End compliance under POSH at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013

Create a safe & POSH - Compliant workplace
POSH Complaince


Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 (Website) (1).jpg

India's Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Act, 2013, safeguards women from any form of sexual harassment in the workplace. This includes unwelcome advances, sexual requests, and any verbal or physical conduct that causes offense, humiliation, or intimidation, whether in person or online.


POSH Compliance is Mandatory and Essential for fostering a Safe, Inclusive, and Respectful Workplace.

Employee Well-being & Protection

Mitigating Legal & Reputational risks

Preventing a hostile environment.

Legal Obligation

Organizational Accountability.

Non-compliance with the POSH Act can result in fines of up to INR 50,000. Repeat violations may lead to doubled fines and potential license cancellation.

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